
HTTP.jl provides a wide range of HTTP client functionality, mostly exposed through the HTTP.request family of functions. This document aims to walk through the various ways requests can be configured to accomplish whatever your goal may be.

Basic Usage

The standard form for making requests is:

HTTP.request(method, url [, headers [, body]]; <keyword arguments>]) -> HTTP.Response

First, let's walk through the positional arguments.


method refers to the HTTP method (sometimes known as "verb"), including GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, TRACE, etc. It can be provided either as a String like HTTP.request("GET", ...), or a Symbol like HTTP.request(:GET, ...). There are also convenience methods for the most common methods:

  • HTTP.get(...)
  • HTTP.put(...)
  • HTTP.delete(...)
  • HTTP.patch(...)
  • HTTP.head(...)

These methods operate identically to HTTP.request, except the method argument is "builtin" via function name.


For the request url argument, the URIs.jl package is used to parse this String argument into a URI object, which detects the HTTP scheme, user info, host, port (if any), path, query parameters, fragment, etc. The host and port will be used to actually make a connection to the remote server and send data to and receive data from. Query parameters can be included in the url String itself, or passed as a separate query keyword argument to HTTP.request, which will be discussed in more detail later.


The headers argument is an optional list of header name-value pairs to be included in the request. They can be provided as a Vector of Pairs, like ["header1" => "value1", "header2" => "value2"], or a Dict, like Dict("header1" => "value1", "header2" => "value2"). Header names do not have to be unique, so any argument passed will be converted to Vector{Pair}. By default, HTTP.request will include a few headers automatically, including "Host" =>, "Accept" => "*/*", "User-Agent" => "HTTP.jl/1.0", and "Content-Length" => body_length. These can be overwritten by providing them yourself, like HTTP.get(url, ["Accept" => "application/json"]), or you can prevent the header from being included by default by including it yourself with an empty string as value, like HTTP.get(url, ["Accept" => ""]), following the curl convention. There are keyword arguments that control the inclusion/setting of other headers, like basicauth, detect_content_type, cookies, etc. that will be discussed in more detail later.


The optional body argument makes up the "body" of the sent request and is only used for HTTP methods that expect a body, like POST and PUT. A variety of objects are supported:

  • a Dict or NamedTuple to be serialized as the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" content type, so Dict("nm" => "val") will be sent in the request body like nm=val
  • any AbstractString or AbstractVector{UInt8} which will be sent "as is" for the request body
  • a readable IO stream or any IO-like type T for which eof(T) and readavailable(T) are defined. This stream will be read and sent until eof is true. This object should support the mark/reset methods if request retires are desired (if not, no retries will be attempted).
  • Any collection or iterable of the above (Dict, AbstractString, AbstractVector{UInt8}, or IO) which will result in a "Transfer-Encoding=chunked" request body, where each iterated element will be sent as a separate chunk
  • a HTTP.Form, which will be serialized as the "multipart/form-data" content-type


Upon successful completion, HTTP.request returns a HTTP.Response object. It includes the following fields:

  • status: the HTTP status code of the response, e.g. 200 for normal response
  • headers: a Vector of String Pairs for each name=value pair in the response headers. Convenience methods for working with headers include: HTTP.hasheader(resp, key) to check if header exists; HTTP.header(resp, key) retrieve the value of a header with name key; HTTP.headers(resp, key) retrieve a list of all the headers with name key, since headers can have duplicate names
  • body: a Vector{UInt8} of the response body bytes. Alternatively, an IO object can be provided via the response_stream keyword argument to have the response body streamed as it is received.

Keyword Arguments

A number of keyword arguments are provided to give fine-tuned control over the request process.


Query parameters are included in the url of the request like, where the string ?q1=v1&q2=v2 after the question mark represent the "query parameters". They are essentially a list of key-value pairs. Query parameters can be included in the url itself when calling HTTP.request, like HTTP.request(:GET, ""), but oftentimes, it's convenient to generate and pass them programmatically. To do this, pass an object that iterates String Pairs to the query keyword argument, like the following examples:

  • HTTP.get(url; query=Dict("x1" => "y1", "x2" => "y2")
  • HTTP.get(url; query=["x1" => "y1", "x1" => "y2"]: this form allows duplicate key values
  • HTTP.get(url; query=[("x1", "y1)", ("x2", "y2")]


By default, the HTTP.Response body is returned as a Vector{UInt8}. There may be scenarios, however, where more control is desired, like downloading large files, where it's preferable to stream the response body directly out to file or into some other IO object. By passing a writeable IO object to the response_stream keyword argument, the response body will not be fully materialized and will be written to as it is received from the remote connection. Note that in the presence of request redirects and retries, multiple requests end up being made in a single call to HTTP.request by default (configurable via the redirects and retry keyword arguments). If response_stream is provided and a request is redirected or retried, the response_stream is not written to until the final request is completed (either the redirect is successfully followed, or the request doesn't need to be retried, etc.).


Stream body to file:

io = open("get_data.txt", "w")
r = HTTP.request("GET", "", response_stream=io)
println(read("get_data.txt", String))

Stream body through buffer:

r = HTTP.get("", response_stream=IOBuffer())


HTTP requests can be a pain sometimes. We get it. It can be tricky to get the headers, query parameters, or expected body in just the right format. For convenience, the verbose keyword argument is provided to enable debug logging for the duration of the call to HTTP.request. This can be helpful to "peek under the hood" of what all goes on in the process of making request: are redirects returned and followed? Is the connection not getting made to the right host? Is some error causing the request to be retried unexpectedly? Currently, the verbose keyword argument supports passing increasing levels to enable more and more verbose logging, from 0 (no debug logging, the default), up to 3 (most verbose, probably too much for anyone but package developers).

If you're running into a real head-scratcher, don't hesitate to open an issue and include the problem you're running into; it's most helpful when you can include the output of passing verbose=3, so package maintainers can see a detailed view of what's going on.

Connection keyword arguments


When a connection is attempted to a remote host, sometimes the connection is unable to be established for whatever reason. Passing a non-zero connect_timetout value will cause HTTP.request to wait that many seconds before giving up and throwing an error.


Many remote web services/APIs have rate limits or throttling in place to avoid bad actors from abusing their service. They may prevent too many requests over a time period or they may prevent too many connections being simultaneously open from the same client. By default, when HTTP.request opens a remote connection, it remembers the exact host:port combination and will keep the connection open to be reused by subsequent requests to the same host:port. The pool keyword argument specifies a specific HTTP.Pool object to be used for controlling the maximum number of concurrent connections allowed to be happening across the pool. It's constructed via HTTP.Pool(max::Int). Requests attempted when the maximum is already hit will block until previous requests finish. The idle_timeout keyword argument can be passed to HTTP.request to control how long it's been since a connection was lasted used in order to be considered 'valid'; otherwise, "stale" connections will be discarded.


After a connection is established and a request is sent, a response is expected. If a non-zero value is passed to the readtimeout keyword argument, HTTP.request will wait to receive a response that many seconds before throwing an error. Passing readtimeout = 0 disables any timeout checking and is the default.


When a non-2XX HTTP status code is received in a response, this is meant to convey some error condition. 3XX responses typically deal with "redirects" where the request should actually try a different url (these are followed automatically by default in HTTP.request, though up to a limit; see redirect). 4XX status codes typically mean the remote server thinks something is wrong in how the request is made. 5XX typically mean something went wrong on the server-side when responding. By default, as mentioned previously, HTTP.request will attempt to follow redirect responses, and retry "retryable" requests (where the status code and original request method allow). If, after redirects/retries, a response still has a non-2XX response code, the default behavior is to throw an HTTP.StatusError exception to signal that the request didn't succeed. This behavior can be disabled by passing status_exception=false, where the HTTP.Response object will be returned with the non-2XX status code intact.


If true, HTTP.StatusError, HTTP.TimeoutError, HTTP.IOError, and HTTP.ConnectError will be logged via @error as they happen, regardless of whether the request is then retried or not. Useful for debugging or monitoring requests where there's worry of certain errors happening but ignored because of retries.


If provided, will be used as the tag for error logging. Useful for debugging or monitoring requests.


If true, enables the HTTP.observelayer to wrap each client-side "layer" to track the amount of time spent in each layer as a request is processed. This can be useful for debugging performance issues. Note that when retries or redirects happen, the time spent in each layer is cumulative, as noted by the [layer]_count. The metrics are stored in the Request.context dictionary, and can be accessed like HTTP.get(...).request.context.


By default, if "user info" is detected in the request url, like http://user:password@host, the Authorization: Basic header will be added to the request headers before the request is sent. While not very common, some APIs use this form of authentication to verify requests. This automatic adding of the header can be disabled by passing basicauth=false.


In the HTTP specification, header names are case insensitive, yet it is sometimes desirable to send/receive headers in a more predictable format. Passing canonicalize_headers=true (false by default) will reformat all request and response headers to use the Canonical-Camel-Dash-Format.


In certain network environments, connections to a proxy must first be made and external requests are then sent "through" the proxy. HTTP.request supports this workflow by allowing the passing of a proxy url via the proxy keyword argument. Alternatively, it's a common pattern for HTTP libraries to check for the http_proxy, HTTP_PROXY, https_proxy, HTTPS_PROXY, and no_proxy environment variables and, if present, be used for these kind of proxied requests. Note that environment variables typically should be set prior to starting the Julia process; alternatively, the withenv Julia function can be used to temporarily modify the current process environment variables, so it could be used like:

resp = withenv("http_proxy" => proxy_url) do
    HTTP.request(:GET, url)

The no_proxy argument is typically a comma-separated list of urls that should not use the proxy, and is parsed when the HTTP.jl package is loaded, and thus won't work with the withenv method mentioned.


By default, the Content-Type header is not included by HTTP.request. To automatically detect various content types (html, xml, pdf, images, zip, gzip, JSON) and set this header, pass detect_content_type=true.


By default, when the response includes the Content-Encoding: gzip header, the response body will be decompressed. To avoid this behavior, pass decompress=false. This keyword also controls the automatic inclusion of the Accept-Encoding: gzip header in the request being sent.

Retry arguments


Controls overall whether requests will be retried at all; pass retry=false to disable all retries.


Controls the total number of retries that will be attempted. Can also disable all retries by passing retries = 0. Note that for a request to be retried, in addition to the retry and retries keyword arguments, must be "retryable", which includes the following requirements:

  • Request body must be static (string or bytes) or an IO the supports the mark/reset interface
  • The request method must be idempotent as defined by RFC-7231, which includes GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, TRACE, PUT, and DELETE (not POST or PATCH).
  • If the method isn't idempotent, can pass retry_non_idempotent=true keyword argument to retry idempotent requests
  • The retry limit hasn't been reached, as specified by retries keyword argument
  • The "failed" response must have one of the following status codes: 403, 408, 409, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504, 599.


By default, this keyword argument is false, which controls whether non-idempotent requests will be retried (POST or PATCH requests).


Allows providing a custom ExponentialBackOff object to control the delay between retries. Default is ExponentialBackOff(n = retries).


Allows providing a custom function to control whether a retry should be attempted. The function should accept 5 arguments: the delay state, exception, request, response (an HTTP.Response object if a request was successfully made, otherwise nothing), and resp_body response body (which may be nothing if there is no response yet, otherwise a Vector{UInt8}), and return true if a retry should be attempted. So in traditional nomenclature, the function would have the form f(s, ex, req, resp, resp_body) -> Bool.

Redirect Arguments


This keyword argument controls whether responses that specify a redirect (via 3XX status code + Location header) will be "followed" by issuing a follow up request to the specified Location. There are certain rules/logic that are followed when deciding whether to redirect and how the redirected request will be made:

  • The Location redirect url must be "valid" with an appropriate scheme and host; if the new location is relative to the original request url, the new url is resolved by calling URIs.resolvereference
  • The response status code is one of: 301, 302, 307, or 308
  • The method of the redirected request may change: 307 or 308 status codes will not change the method, 303 means only a GET request is allowed, otherwise, if the redirect_method keyword argument is provided, it will be used. If not provided, the redirected request will default to a GET request.
  • We'll only make a redirect request if we haven't made too many redirect attempts already, as controlled by the redirect_limit keyword argument (default 3)
  • The original request headers will, by default, be forwarded in the redirected request, unless the new url is an entirely new host, then Cookie and Authorization headers will be removed.


Controls how many redirects will be "followed" by making additional requests in the case of a redirected response url recursively returning redirect responses and so on. In addition to redirect=false, passing redirect_limit=0 will also disable any redirect behavior all together.


May control the method that will be used in the redirected request. For 307 or 308 status codes, the same method will be used by default. For 303, only GET requests are allowed. For other status codes (301, 302), this keyword argument will be used to determine what the redirect request method will be. Passing redirect_method=:same will result in the same method as the original request. Otherwise, passing redirect_method=:GET, or any other valid method as String or Symbol, will result in that method for the redirected request.


Controls whether original request headers will be included in the redirected request. true by default. Pass forwardheaders=false to disable headers being used in redirected requests. By design, if the new redirect location url is a different host than the original host, "sensitive" headers will not be forwarded, including Cookie and Authorization headers.

SSL Arguments


Controls whether the SSL configuration for a secure connection is verified in the handshake process. true by default. Should only be set to false if developing against a local server that can be completely trusted.


Allows specifying a custom MbedTLS.SSLConfig configuration to be used in the secure connection handshake process to verify the connection. A custom cert and key file can be passed to construct a custom SSLConfig like MbedTLS.SSLConfig(cert_file, key_file).


Controls if and how a request Cookie header is set for a request. By default, cookies is true, which means the cookiejar (an internal global by default) will be checked for previously received Set-Cookie headers from past responses for the request domain and, if found, will be included in the outgoing request. Passing cookies=false will disable any automatic cookie tracking/setting. For more granular control, the Cookie header can be set manually in the headers request argument and cookies=false is passed. Otherwise, a Dict{String, String} can be passed in the cookies argument, which should be cookie name-value pairs to be serialized into the Cookie header for the current request. If cookies=false or an empty Dict is passed in the cookies keyword argument, no Set-Cookie response headers will be parsed and stored for use in future requests. In the automatic case of including previously received cookies, verification is done to ensure the cookie hasn't expired, matches the correct domain, etc.


If cookies are "enabled" (either by passing cookies=true or passing a non-empty Dict via cookies keyword argument), this keyword argument specifies the HTTP.CookieJar object that should be used to store received Set-Cookie cookie name-value pairs from responses. Cookies are stored for the appropriate host/domain and will, by default, be included in future requests when the host/domain match and other conditions are met (cookie hasn't expired, etc.). By default, a single global CookieJar is used, which is threadsafe. To pass a custom CookieJar, first create one: jar = HTTP.CookieJar(), then pass like HTTP.get(...; cookiejar=jar).

Streaming Requests

Allows a potentially more convenient API when the request and/or response bodies need to be streamed. Works like:, url, [, headers]; kw...) do io
    write(io, body)
    [startread(io) -> HTTP.Response]
    while !eof(io)
        readavailable(io) -> AbstractVector{UInt8}
end -> HTTP.Response

Where the io argument provided to the function body is an HTTP.Stream object, a custom IO that represents an open connection that is ready to be written to in order to send the request body, and/or read from to receive the response body. Note that startread(io) should be called before calling readavailable to ensure the response status line and headers are received and parsed appropriately. Calling eof(io) will return true until the response body has been completely received. Note that the returned HTTP.Response from will not have a .body field since the body was read in the function body.


A download function is provided for similar functionality to

Client-side Middleware (Layers)

An HTTP.Layer is an abstract type to represent a client-side middleware. A layer is any function of the form f(::Handler) -> Handler, where Handler is a function of the form f(::Request) -> Response. Note that this Handler definition is the same from the server-side documentation. It may also be apparent that a Layer is the same as the Middleware interface from server-side, which is true, but we define Layer to clarify the client-side distinction and its unique usage.

Creating custom layers can be a convenient way to "enhance" the HTTP.request process with custom functionality. It might be a layer that computes a special authorization header, or modifies the body in some way, or treats the response specially. Oftentimes, layers are application or domain-specific, where certain domain knowledge can be used to improve or simplify the request process. Layers can also be used to enforce the usage of certain keyword arguments if desired.

Custom layers can be deployed in one of two ways:

  • HTTP.@client: Create a custom "client" with shorthand verb definitions, but which include custom layers; only these new verb methods will use the custom layers.
  • HTTP.pushlayer!/HTTP.poplayer!: Allows globally adding and removing layers from the default HTTP.jl layer stack; all http requests will then use the custom layers

Quick Examples

module Auth

using HTTP

function auth_layer(handler)
    # returns a `Handler` function; check for a custom keyword arg `authcreds` that
    # a user would pass like `HTTP.get(...; authcreds=creds)`.
    # We also accept trailing keyword args `kw...` and pass them along later.
    return function(req; authcreds=nothing, kw...)
        # only apply the auth layer if the user passed `authcreds`
        if authcreds !== nothing
            # we add a custom header with stringified auth creds
            HTTP.setheader(req, "X-Auth-Creds" => string(authcreds))
        # pass the request along to the next layer by calling `auth_layer` arg `handler`
        # also pass along the trailing keyword args `kw...`
        return handler(req; kw...)

# Create a new client with the auth layer added
HTTP.@client [auth_layer]

end # module

# Can now use custom client like:
Auth.get(url; authcreds=creds) # performs GET request with auth_layer layer included

# Or can include layer globally in all HTTP.jl requests

# Now can use normal HTTP.jl methods and auth_layer will be included
HTTP.get(url; authcreds=creds)

For more ideas or examples on how client-side layers work, it can be useful to see how HTTP.request is built on layers internally, in the /src/clientlayers source code directory.